
The useSwiperia hook is designed to integrate swipe gesture functionality into React components with ease. It leverages the swiperia-js library, which provides robust handling of swipe gestures across different devices (mouse and touch inputs). This hook simplifies the process of setting up and managing the lifecycle of the Swiper instance, and it offers customizable swipe event handling through callback functions.


import { useSwiperia } from 'swiperia-react';
const MyComponent = () => {
  const { ref, swiperia } = useSwiperia({
    onSwiped: event => console.log('Swiped', event.direction),
    onSwipeStart: event => console.log('Swipe started', event),
    onSwiping: event => console.log('Swiping', event),
    onSwipedLeft: event => console.log('Swiped left', event),
    onSwipedRight: event => console.log('Swiped right', event),
    onSwipedUp: event => console.log('Swiped up', event),
    onSwipedDown: event => console.log('Swiped down', event),
  return <div ref={ref}>Swipe here</div>;


  • args (optional): An object of type UseSwiperiaArgs which includes:

    • config?: Optional configuration settings for the swipe behavior.

    • Callbacks for various swipe events:

      • onSwiped?: Called when a swipe action completes.
      • onSwipeStart?: Called when a swipe action starts.
      • onSwiping?: Called during a swipe action.
      • onSwipedLeft?onSwipedRight?onSwipedUp?onSwipedDown?: Called when a swipe action completes in the respective direction.


  • ref: A React ref callback that should be attached to the DOM element intended for swipe detection.
  • swiperia: A ref object containing the current instance of Swiper from swiperia-js, which can be used to directly interact with the underlying swipe functionality.


  • Automatic Instance Management: The hook automatically handles the creation and destruction of the Swiper instance, ensuring that resources are properly managed.
  • Customizable Swipe Detection: Through the config parameter, users can customize various aspects of swipe detection to suit specific needs.
  • Comprehensive Event Handling: Offers a rich set of callback props to handle various stages and directions of swipe interactions, making it versatile for different use cases.
  • Seamless Integration with React: Designed to work seamlessly within the React ecosystem, utilizing hooks and refs for optimal integration with functional components.


Here is a basic example demonstrating how to use the useSwiperia hook within a functional component to handle swipe gestures:

import React from 'react';
import { useSwiperia } from 'swiperia-react';
const SwipeableComponent = () => {
  const { ref } = useSwiperia({
    onSwiped: (event) => alert(`Swiped ${event.direction}`),
    onSwipeStart: () => console.log('Swipe started'),
    onSwiping: (event) => console.log(`Swiping in direction: ${event.direction}`),
  return <div ref={ref} style={{ width: '100%', height: '300px', backgroundColor: '#ccc' }}>
    Swipe here
export default SwipeableComponent;