

The SwipeCallback type in the Swiperia library is a function type used to define callback functions that handle swipe events. This callback is invoked whenever a swipe event occurs, providing developers with a mechanism to respond to swipe gestures in a dynamic and interactive manner.

Type Definition

export type SwipeCallback = (event: SwipeEvent) => void;


SwipeCallback is a function type that takes a single parameter:

  • event (SwipeEvent): An object that contains detailed information about the swipe event, including the direction, velocity, distance, and other relevant metrics derived from the MovementEvent, as well as swipe-specific data such as the original UI event and the swipe phase (start, move, end, cancel).

The function is expected to return void, indicating it is used for side effects (such as updating UI or state) rather than computing a value.


SwipeCallback functions are typically used in components or services that need to react to user swipe interactions. By providing a SwipeEvent to the callback, developers can implement specific behaviors based on the details of the swipe, such as changing the view, triggering animations, or updating data based on the swipe direction and distance.


Implementing a Swipe Callback

const handleSwipe: SwipeCallback = (event) => {
  console.log(`Swipe detected: ${event.type} at position`,;
  if (event.type === 'end') {
    console.log('Swipe completed with total distance:', event.distance);
// Example usage in a swipe-aware component
function setupSwipeListener(element: HTMLElement) {
  element.addEventListener('swipe', handleSwipe as any); // Type assertion for simplicity in this example